Thursday, January 15, 2009

I made it!

Hello! I have made it safely to Bolivia. I am settling into life here. I mostly ate and slept the first few days and language school started on Monday. There were two days of orientation and on Wednesday I started Spanish classes. I am in an intermediate class at the moment, which means I got to skip everything basic. Yay! The grounds of the school are magical. I will have to post pictures of the school next, but first. . .

My host family is great! They are Alfredo (dad), Mary (Mom), Ronald (middle brother) and Marcos (the baby of the family). My brothers are in their mid to late 20s. The whole family seems to speak a bit of English and my brothers are fluent. Here are some pictures of the house and my room. You can tell which room is mine from the outside because I also have a balcony. My room is a nice size and I have my own bathroom. It's pretty sweet.

On a side note: I got bitten up by mosquitoes last night - even on my eyelids - and my left eye has swollen almost shut. Who do I get to thank for my delicate skin????

Also wanted to thank everyone at home for their last minute contributions:
to Jen and James - the suitcase was AWESOME thank you, thank you. Also love the mp3 player. very light and easy to use for exercise.
to Janiecakes - the packing job was great. I even took pictures of my suitcase while I unpacked it so I can re-create what you did. teehee!
to Caryn and Kate - thanks for getting my camera to work and calming me down my last night at home.
to Kate - thanks for the camera case!
And thanks to everyone else for your support! Love to you all!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice place to stay. Glad you made it over OK, Good Luck!

James, Jen, Owen, Gavin, Quinn and Pip said...

Yeah Lola. Stay safe and make sure to keep updating so we can be there with you.